



Others, who lived on this land ten thousand years ago? Archaeological experts speculate that the mystery of the underground will be revealed through reasoning, through the cocoon of the cultural relics and relics unearthed under the stratum, and put together large-scale life images of prehistoric humans using farms, skilled in crafts, and exchanges, and excavated richness. And a brilliant culture. Research, let people get closer to what happened in this land in the past, now follow us to explore the rich culture that once appeared in this land, and explain the life stories of prehistoric humans together!Others, who lived on this land ten thousand years ago? Archaeologists speculate that the mystery of the underground will be revealed through reasoning, through the cocoon of cultural relics and relics unearthed under the stratum, and put together large-scale life images of prehistoric people who used farms, crafts, exchanges and exchanges, and unearthed riches. And a brilliant culture.




Learning about the Ten National Archaeological Sites


年代 新石器時代(距今約5200~2000年)


參觀資訊:鳳山丘陵南端前緣緩坡處 (須向高雄市政府文化局提出申請才能前往)。



National Fengpitou(Zhongkengmen) Archaeological Site 

Era Neolithic Age (5200-2000 years ago)

Cltural Meaning
Fengpitou Archaeological Site is one of the landing spots of Austronesians. The culture was rich. The time span covers the whole Neolithic Age including three cultural beds of “Dapenkeng Culture”, “Fengpitou type of Niu Chou Zi Culture” and “Fengpitou Culture”. It shows the prehistoric cultural beds of southwestern Taiwan. Most of the unearthed objects of the Dapenkeng Culture are corded terrines and bowl-shaped objects of fine sand; Fengpitou type of the Niu Chou Zi Culture is based on fine corded ware. Life styles referred to agriculture, hunting and collection; Fengpitou cultural bed is thicker and the cultural relics mostly referred to reddish brown and plain sand pottery. There were natural relics of manufactured beast bones and shell mounds. It shows that the use of land and coastal resources was common. 

Visitor information: leading edge of gentle slope in the south of Feng Shan Hill (submit application to Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government for visitor permits).

For more information refer to this link





年代 至今不明





National Wanshan Rock Carvings Archaeological Site 

Era Remain unknown

Cltural Meaning
It is the only rock carving site in Taiwan. People at the time carved geometric or concrete patterns of human, snake, frog and concentric circles with sharp tools on the giant stone which has the size of over 80 square meters.The site is hidden in the mountain. Since the first discovery in 1978, 4 spots and 14 rocks with carved patterns have been found. According to primary investigation, part of the patterns might be associated with Paiwan and Rukai. The time of No. 4 rock sculpture Da Ga La Wu site was estimated to the period of 1262-926 years ago. At the time, people lived in the shelter of rock around the site. About 926-795 years ago, they started building slate houses and carved similar geometric and circular patterns at the bottom of slate houses. Around 520-318 years ago, people began leaving the place and the slate houses were abandoned.  

Visitor information: Primary forest area of Maolin area (submit application to Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government for visitor permits).

For more information refer to this link







參觀資訊: 仁愛鄉萬豐村境內河階上(自由參觀,但早期發掘現場須向中央研究院提出申請才能進入)。



National Chuping Archaeological Site 

Era Remain unknown

Cltural Meaning
It is the only rock carving site in Taiwan. People at the time carved geometric or concrete patterns of human, snake, frog and concentric circles with sharp tools on the giant stone which has the size of over 80 square meters.The site is hidden in the mountain. Since the first discovery in 1978, 4 spots and 14 rocks with carved patterns have been found. According to primary investigation, part of the patterns might be associated with Paiwan and Rukai. The time of No. 4 rock sculpture Da Ga La Wu site was estimated to the period of 1262-926 years ago. At the time, people lived in the shelter of rock around the site. About 926-795 years ago, they started building slate houses and carved similar geometric and circular patterns at the bottom of slate houses. Around 520-318 years ago, people began leaving the place and the slate houses were abandoned. 

Visitor information: Primary forest area of Maolin area (submit application to Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government for visitor permits).

For more information refer to this link







參觀資訊:觀音山西北側山麓緩坡周圍 (須向新北市立十三行博物館提出申請才能前往)



National Tapenkeng Archaeological Site 

Era Neolithic Age (6500-4200 years ago)

Cltural Meaning
Tapenkeng Archaeological Site is the one with specific multi-cultural beds, including the Dapenkeng Culture, the Xun Tang Pu Culture, the Yuanshan Culture, the Botanical Garden Culture, the Shihsanhang Culture, and modern Han culture. It is the typical site of the Dapenkeng Culture and one of the important archaeological sites in early research of the Neolithic Age in Taiwan. It plays an important role to approach the evolution of prehistoric cultural beds in Taipei area. In the archaeological site, great number of ceramic tiles from Song and Yuan Dynasties of China were unearthed which are important reference to explore the transportation and interaction between Taiwan and China in different dynasties and even Southeast Asia at the time. It is significant to study the correlation between Taiwan and the immigration routes of Austronesians. 

Visitor information: surrounding of gentle slope of the mountain at the northwest of Guan Yin Shan (submit application to New Taipei City Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology for visitor permits)

For more information refer to this link





年代 金屬器時代(距今約1800-500年)





National Shihsanhang Archaeological Site 

Era Metal Age (1800-500 years ago)

Cltural Meaning
Shihsanhang Archaeological Site locates at the southern bank of Tamsui River and is the coastal transportation hub. Iron-smelting remains and great amount of iron slag were unearthed at the site. It is the first iron-smelting historic site recognized by Taiwan and the one named after Metal Age Culture of northern Taiwan (Shihsanhang Culture). Cultural beds include the Shihsanhang Culture bed of the prehistorical era and the Han Culture bed of historical period. According to abundant unearthed relics and remains, it shows that from prehistorical era, the interaction between the site and the places out of the island was frequent. There were gold and silver ornaments, bronze ware and glass and carnelian ornaments; in addition, there were human-shaped bronze knife handle, copper bell and glass ring which were similar to heirlooms of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan. Thus, it is important research reference to trace back the origin of the indigenous peoples in Taiwan. 

Visitor information:Pa Li Sewage Treatment Plant (submit application to New Taipei City Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology for visitor permits) and the surrounding includes New Taipei City Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology and Hsinbei Archaeological Park (open to the public).

For more information refer to this link





年代 新石器時代(距今約4500-2000年)





National Yuanshan Archaeological Site 

Era Neolithic Age (4500-2000 years ago)

Cltural Meaning
Taipei Basin has been a large lake. Due to the end of glacier, sea water flowed into the basin near Kuan Du and resulted in the ecological diversity. Afterwards, lake water faded away and part of the basin became swamp. At the time, people had crops and they hunted wild boars and deer. Moreover, resources under water were rich and they fished for fish and shells for food. Yuanshan Archaeological Site was the start of early archaeological research in Taiwan. The site includes the Pre-pottery Culture, the Dapenkeng Culture, the Xun Tang Pu Culture, the Chishanyan Culture, the Yuanshan Culture, the Botanical Garden Culture, and the Shihsanhang Culture. Accumulation of shell mounds was well-known. Yuanshan Culture is the most important Neolithic Age culture in northern Taiwan. 

Visitor information: Old Taipei Expo Park and Natural Scenery Park of Taipei City (old Children’s Amusement Park) (open to the public)

For more information refer to this link





年代 新石器時代(距今約3200-2300年)





National Wanshan Archaeological Site 

Era Neolithic Age (3200-2300 years ago)

Cltural Meaning
Wanshan Archaeological Site is the first cultural heritage site of the late Neolithic Age discovered in large scale in northeastern Taiwan. The accumulation of cultural beds has been more than one thousand years. The unearthed relics were diverse and they showed long-term development of the community. It is the representative site of the late Neolithic Age in Yilan. On the site, people at the time created utensils significantly by local resources and it was one of the features of Wanshan society, including stone or ceramic utensils. In addition, the unearthed jade objects, specific pottery and large slate show the interaction between Wanshan people and those in eastern Taiwan, northern Taiwan and Central Mountain Range. It specifically reveals the exchange among the societies in the late Neolithic Age in Taiwan. It is an important cultural heritage site to approach prehistoric societies of Taiwan. 

Visitor information: Wanshan hill of Dongshan Township (submit application to Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Yilan County Government for visitor permits).

For more information refer to this link





年代 舊石器時代(距今約30,000-15,000年前)、先陶時代(距今約6,000-4,800年前)、新石器時代中期(距今約4700-4500年前)、新石器時代晚期(距今約3,500-2,000多年前)、金屬器時代(距今約2000年前之後)、近現代(距今約100年前後)





National Pahsientung Archaeological Site 

Era Paleolithic Age (30,000-15,000 years ago), Pre-Pottery Age (6,000-4,800 years ago), Mid-Neolithic Age (4700-4500 years ago), Late-Neolithic Age (3,500-2,000 years ago), Metal Age (2000 years ago), Modern Age (100 years ago)

Cltural Meaning
Pahsientung Archaeological Site is the most ancient prehistoric site in Taiwan and it can be traced back to the Paleolithic Age 30,000 years ago. It is the representative site of the Changbin Culture and the rare cave site in Taiwan. At the time, human beings made a living by collection and hunting. They lived in natural caves and the shelters of rock, facing the sea by the mountain. The site shows the earliest human residence in Taiwan and it is significant in the history of Taiwan. Besides the findings of the Paleolithic Age, Pahsientung Archaeological Site is the one with archaeological findings from the Pre-Pottery Age, the mid- and late-Neolithic Age, the Metal Age, and the Modern Age. The span of time for this site is long and it is an important archaeological site of multi-cultural beds. 

Visitor information: East Coast National Scenic Area / Pahsientung Archaeological Site (open to the public)

For more information refer to this link





年代 新石器時代(距今約5300-2300年前)





National Peinan Archaeological Site 

Era Neolithic Age (5300-2300 years ago)

Cltural Meaning
Peinan Archaeological Site is a large-scale settlement site in the late Neolithic Age of Taiwan. More than 2,400 stone coffins and mortuary objects such as pottery and jade articles were excavated. On the site, complete rice agriculture has existed and lives and culture were more advanced than the Paleolithic Age. Similar houses stand side by side in northeastern and southwestern directions. Stone coffins are distributed in belt in the same directions. Unearthed mortuary objects from stone coffins show the important custom to treat jade articles as decoration. Among others, “human beast shaped jade” and “jade tube” are representative objects and they are the earliest prehistoric unearthed objects designated as national treasures in Taiwan. 

Visitor information: Peinan Cultural Park (open to the public).

For more information refer to this link





年代 金屬器時代(距今約1800-900年)





National Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site 

Era Metal Age (1800-900 years ago)

Cltural Meaning
At Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site, its settlement pattern was discovered to remain in very good physical condition and there were large-scale prehistoric remains such as embankment, hearths, ironmaking furnace and stone coffins. Important specimen such as gold foil, human face bronze knife handle and bone carving were unearthed.Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site is the representative spot from the Neolithic Age to the Metal Age. Foreign metal objects, high temperature technique and agate replaced the original jade articles and became important ornaments and ritual articles for human beings in prehistoric era of Taiwan. They further turned into important elements of indigenous material culture in modern time. This discovery is significant in the modern academic history.Transportation on the sea appeared to be an important traffic circulation for this site. It shows the marine culture of people in early times and is significant for modern Taiwan which relies on ocean. 

Visitor information: Suhua Improvement Highway Hanben section (not open to visitors).

For more information refer to this link






Blihun Hanben in Transportation Hub

1. Since the Qing ruling period, eastern Taiwan has been called “Back Mountain”. One of the reasons is that the external access was inconvenient, particularly the section between Yilan and Hualien separated by cliffs and dangerous terrains.
2. At the end of the 19th century, in order to improve the traffic, the Qing court constructed the military trail in the mountains; in the Japanese Occupation Period, it established Coastal Road with one-way traffic; after the war, it was successively expanded as Suhua Highway with an impressive view. With the accomplishment of North-link Line, it significantly enhanced the external access of Hualien; Suhua Highway Improvement Plan of Taiwan Nine Road strengthened the security of roads by long tunnels.
3. However, before the land traffic, how did the people living in Hanben access Suhua? The excavation of Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site shows the frequent interaction between northern and eastern Taiwan more than 1000 years ago. People at the time might treat the sea area as a traffic line.
4. With the convenience of transportation, from the prehistoric period to the present, Hanben has been the important hub of sea and land transportation.







海上交通的據點(史前時代 )

石亀碉:蘇花古道上的軍事營址(清治時期 )




Blihun Hanben in Transportation Hub

Formation of settlements

“Blihun” and “Hanben”
The old name of “Hanben” and the surrounding being named as “Blihun” in the Atayal language have the meaning of “gateway”. In Chinese characters, it is “Bailaifen”. In Taiwan Map of 1924 during the Japanese Occupation Period, “Blihun” (“Gu Feng” of nowadays) was marked in Japanese on the north bank of Dajhuoshuei River (Heping River of nowadays); it is the origin of the name for the present Coast Guard Administration “Bailaifen Inspection Office”. On February 1, 1980, North-link Line was launched. “Hanben” was widely used after the construction of Hanben Station. On August 15, 2016, Ministry of Culture announced national relics by the name “Blihun Hanben”. On November 17, 2017, Ministry of Culture released the announcement as the national archaeological site.

Settlements on the north bank of Heping River
From Suao to Zhong De of Hualien, it was Central Range in the west and the Pacific Ocean in the east. It was hardly habitable due to the dangerous cliffs. The settlements were constructed along the escarpment on the open space accumulated by river. Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site is at the gentle slope of the north bank of the mouth of Heping River at the border of Yilan and Hualien. More than one thousand years ago, human beings constructed the settlements and developed abundant cultural content.


Convenience of transportation

Transport hub on the sea (prehistoric period)
According to Map of Back Mountain in the Qing ruling period, there were “cliffs and the transportation was inconvenient” between Suao and Zhong De. However, according to the unearthed relics of Blihun Hanben Archaeological site, at the time, sea transportation was advanced. In addition, there could be frequent land interaction through Heping River Valley.

Shigui Fort: the military site on Suhua Ancient Trail (Qing ruling period)
Land route transportation between Yilan and Hualien has been difficult due to the dangerous cliffs since ancient time. After the Mutan Village Incident in 1874, for the concern of garrison and suppression, from the south of Suao to Hualien, the Qing court developed “Back Mountain North Road” (Suhua Ancient Trail of nowadays) only for walking and station troops along the way.Shigui Fort was near Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site. Due to severe undulating terrain of Back Mountain North Road and rapid and simple construction, most of the roadbeds no longer existed.

Bailaifen Police Post: the vehicle rest stop along Suhua Coastal Road (Japanese Occupation Period)
In order to obtain natural resources of eastern Taiwan and govern the aboriginals, in 1925, it constructed “Tunghai Trail” and in 1932, the reconstruction was one-way traffic. “Suhua Coastal Road” (the former of Suhua Highway) was well-known by the impressive cliffs and automobile transportation was introduced in eastern Taiwan. According to Timetable of Tunghai Bus Routes (1935), the distance between Bailaifen and Suao was 35.2 miles (around 56 km). The distance between Bailaifen and Hualien harbor was 40.4 miles (around 64 km). It became rest stop since it was the middle point of Coastal Road.

Hanben Station: the station between Suhua Highway and North-link Line (post-war to 2010)
After the war, the improvement continued and Suhua Coastal Road was expanded. On October 25, 1990, Suhua Highway was evolved from single-way control to two-way traffic.On December 25, 1973, the construction of North-link Line in Ten Major Construction Projects was launched and the line was open to traffic on February 1, 1980. Railway became the important external access of Hualien. Hanben Station was the middle stop of Suhua Highway and North-link Line and the gateway to access Hualien.

Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site: the major discovery during the Suhua Highway Improvement Plan (2010 to present)
Since Suhua Highway was winding and there were frequent falling stones and to respond to the appeal “drive home safely”, in 2010, Suhua Highway Improvement Plan (“Suhua Gai” for short) was passed and the construction began in 2011. Due to this highway’s opening to traffic on January 6, 2020. external transportation of eastern Taiwan becomes more convenient. In 2012, prehistoric remains were discovered at the south exit of Gu Feng Tunnel of Suhua Gai, followed by the rescue and excavation. With complete cultural layers and content, in 2016, it was designated as national relics.



Blihun 漢本考古遺址發掘





2012~2016 重見漢本
2012.03.05 蘇花改谷風隧道南口附近之臨時滯洪沉砂池及邊坡發現有史前遺留,同日下午16:00通知並填報「監測成果超標管理通報單」,同時建議停工。
2012.03.06 確認為文化遺留出土地點,工程須暫時停工,並劃定附近區域為文化遺址敏感區域,進行坡面安全措施保護,發函宜蘭縣政府文化局依文化資產保存法及環境影響評估承諾進行通報。
2012.03.15 宜蘭縣政府文化局會勘後決議以搶救發掘方式處理。
2012.09.15 中央研究院歷史語言研究所考古團隊開始進行搶救。
2016.03.28 指定為縣定遺址。
2016.03.28 庶古文創事業股份有限公司加入發掘搶救工作。
2016.05.21 P3N橋墩基礎範圍發現完整之石砌遺構現象。
2016.08.15 指定為第8處國定遺址。

2016~2017 重建漢本
2016.11.17 石砌遺構現象開始進行數位掃瞄、外範複製。
2017.02.25 完成外範複製作業。
2017.03.11 拆範並進行現象複製工作。

2017~至今 重現漢本
2017.08.10-11.21 於蘭陽博物館辦理「重見/建/現漢本Blihun-發掘階段成果特展」。
2017.09.25 完成遺址搶救發掘工作。
2017.11.17 重新公告類別為國定考古遺址。
2021.07.26-11.28 於文化部文化資產園區辦理「Blihun漢本-交通樞紐上的國定考古遺址展」。




2.2017.11.17 文化部重新公告類別名稱為「考古遺址」






文化層原埋封於1,000年左右之土石流地層下,保存狀況良好。與工程重疊部分採搶救發掘後,保留考古遺址總面積約94%,相較於因八里污水廠破壞後,僅保存總面積約5%之國定十三行考古遺址,及文化層最豐富部分受鐵路工程破壞之國定卑南考古遺址, Blihun漢本考古遺址保存狀況可謂較佳。




The Archaeological Excavation of Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site

Discovery of the Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site
Discovery and rescue of archaeological site
Archaeological sites cannot be reproduced and moved as both of these actions will completely destroy the original space; and once destroyed, the only value remained is archaeological samples. Therefore, it is favorable to maintain the original site. When preservation of the original site is impossible, compromise should be made by reducing the development scope and moving the relics by excavation and rescue.

Construction of the Suhua Highway Improvement Plan began in 2011 and was an important national project. Before the construction, there were several times of environmental assessments. The construction was monitored according to the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act.On March 5, 2012, the monitoring unit discovered the suspected prehistoric culture remains at the south exit of Gu Feng Tunnel and since then, there were a series of relics rescue and cultural preservation movements.On September 25, 2017, rescue and excavation of the relics in the construction scope of the Suhua Improvement Project were accomplished and the relics were moved to other places.


Excavation process and records
2012-2016 Re-presentation of Hanben
2012.03.05 Prehistoric remains were discovered at temporary detention basin and side slope near the south exit of Gu Feng Tunnel of Suhua Gai. It was reported at 16: 00 PM on the same day and “report of monitoring result exceeding the standards” was filled. The construction was suggested to be halted.
2012.03.06 Unearthed site of cultural remains was confirmed and the construction should be halted temporarily and the surrounding was designated as the sensitive area of cultural site for the concern of slope security. It was reported by mail to Cultural Affairs Bureau of Yilan County according to the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act and Environmental Impact Assessment.
2012.03.15 Resolution after a joint inspection of Cultural Affairs Bureau of Yilan County referred to rescue and excavation.
2012.09.15 Rescue was launched by the archaeological team of Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.
2016.03.28 Designated as the site of the country.
2016.03.28 Archaeo Cultures participated in the excavation and rescue.
2016.05.21 Complete stone remains structure was discovered at the basic scope of the bridge pier P3N.
2016.08.15 Designated as the eighth national site.

2016~2017 Reconstruction of Hanben
2016.09.26 According to the resolution of Bureau of Cultural Heritage, MOC, stone remains structure was preserved on-site with scanned  records and exhibition in different places; the bridge pier construction unit changed the design and increased the height of the foundation.
2016.11.17 Digital scanning and external reproduction model of stone remains structure.
2017.02.25 Accomplishment of external reproduction model.
2017.03.11 Model taken apart and phenomenon reproduction.

2017~present Re-presentation of Hanben
2017.08.10-11.21 “Special exhibition of phase results of excavation: Re-presentation/reconstruction of Hanben Blihun” held in Lanyang Museum.
2017.09.25 Accomplishment of site rescue and excavation.
2017.11.17 Announcement of the national archaeological site.
2021.07.26-11.28 “Exhibition of Blihun Hanben-the National Archaeological Site Sitting in Transportation Hub” was held in Cultural Heritage Park, Ministry of Culture.


Designated “National Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site”

1. 2016.08.15 Ministry of Culture designated and announced it as the eighth national site

2. 2017.11.17 Ministry of Culture announced the “archaeological site”

3. Designated scope
It is located in O Hua Village of Nan O Township, Yilan County, from the south of Hanben Station to the north bank of Heping River. There was Pacific Ocean in the east and it was at the bottom of Mount Jhuoshuei to the west. The square measure is around 88,900 m2.

4. Reasons of designation
Position and significance of the archaeological site in the cultural development:
Three major prehistoric cultural layers have been discovered. The cultural content and importance can be compared to the national Shihsanhang archaeological site.

Significance of archaeological site in academic research history:
It can explain the evolution from late Neolithic Age to Metal Age. Foreign metalware, high-temperature technology and agate replaced the original jade articles and became important ornaments and articles of rituals of prehistoric human beings in Taiwan. Nowadays, they become important elements of indigenous material culture. The discovery is significant in academic history.

Uniqueness and richness of cultural accumulation of the archaeological site:
The accumulation of cultural layers is more than 1,000 years. Besides common ceramic and stone articles, there are abundant external materials such as metalware, glass and agate. The most important discovery was the highly complete settlements. The present result of the excavation can be compared with national Bei Nan archaeological site.

Preciousness according to the quantity of archaeological site of the same type:
The cultural content can fully interpret the development process from late Neolithic Age to Metal Age. As to the preciousness, according to archaeological sites such as Qi Wu Lan, Li Ze Jian and the coast, it completely shows the development of Kebalan from late Neolithic Age to around the period of characters.

Complete preservation of archaeological site:
Cultural layers were originally covered under the stratum of mudflows around 1,000 years ago and they were properly preserved. After rescue and excavation on the overlapping scope with the construction, it preserved around 94% of the total square measure of the archaeological site. In comparison to the national Shihsanhang archaeological site with only 5% of the total square measure preserved after being destroyed by Ba Li Sewage Treatment Plant and the national Bei Nan archaeological site with the most abundant cultural layers destroyed by railway construction, Blihun Hanben archaeological site showed more significant preservation.

Legitimacy of the archaeological site to serve for exhibition and educational planning:
It is located at the transportation hub of railway and highway. In the future, the route from Heping Interchange to the archaeological site is accessible; the site fully interprets the cohabitation between human beings and the natural environment and it reveals the educational significance of exhibition.

Value as other archaeological sites:
According to the relative locations of unearthed culture, ecological relics and settlements, the site relied on the sea area as an important traffic line. It reveals the marine culture of the people in early times and it is significant for modern Taiwan which relies on the ocean. The unearthed relics show a significant connection with modern indigenous peoples, Amis, Sakizaya, Kebalan of Yilan Plain, Basay of northern coast and Ketagalan. The archaeological site reveals extremely significant historic significance for the origins of ancestors in their legends.

Source: National Cultural Heritage Database Management System of Ministry of Culture.





























Preliminary Results of the Archaeological Excavation of Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site

Interactions within Taiwan
In the 17th century, according to the Dutch and Spanish literatures, Basay of the northern coast obtained local gold by trading with Danau people using the same language at Suhua coast. The linguisticians categorized Basay language, Danau language and Kavalan in the Ketangalan language family. In addition, in different tribal villages of northern, northeastern and eastern Taiwan, they shared the same legend which mentioned the island, Sanasai. From the island, the ancestors of these villages landed on or settled in the eastern coast of Taiwan. The legend shared by different tribes shows their high degree of interaction. In addition, in archeological remains, the distribution scope of Shihsanhang culture featured by Pai Ying Pattern is generally consistent with Ketangalan culture language system. Furthermore, the same or similar utensils were shown in northern coast and eastern Taiwan, indicating the frequent exchange and interaction of the area at the time.

Off-island Interactions
Influenced by the monsoon which changes the wind directions seasonally in East and South Asia, sailboat marine exchange has been developed along the coasts of the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean. With the rise of Indian, Persian and Arabian civilization, maritime silk road was successively constructed. From the Iron Age or even at an earlier time, Taiwan and the Philippines were included as the nodes of maritime silk road.

Material culture
Ecological Resources
Suhua Faulted Coast where Blihun Hanben Archaeological Site located is formed by the compression when Philippine Sea Plate sank into Pacific Plate. It has steep cliff at the back and faces the vast ocean. The environment seems to be dangerous; however, the resources are abundant.

Marine Resources
The terrain under the sea around Suhua is the same as the land area. It is steep and near the coastline, it is under the sea surface for several thousand meters. By the coast, except for alluvial fan at the mouth of Liwu River and Heping River, it lacks tidal flat. However, Kuroshio Current passes through the area near open seas. Because of the terrain, upwelling current is formed in the north. Sea water with nutritional salt is moved to the top, followed by great number of migratory fish and medium and large predator fish.

Terrestrial Resources
The mountains around Suhua are steep and they face northeast monsoon. The forests are dense and this area is one of the precious areas in Taiwan with the most ecological variety. In prehistoric era, the resources must be more abundant.
Rocks and Minerals
The site is located at the most ancient Tananao Schist belt in Taiwan. The accumulation has been formed three hundred million years ago. The following tectonic movements resulted in diverse and highly metamorphic stone, mainly including schist, gneiss, marble and different types of metamorphic pyrogenetic rock which tend to contain iron. In addition, the rifts among the rock formations become veins filled with gold through pyrogenesis. The rock and minerals were used by the ancestors after being brought to the mouth by the rivers.

Plains and vegetal remains are rare at the site. However, animal resources are abundant. Among the marine resources, the shellfish, such as giant clam, Turbo marmoratus, conidae, and cowrie, mostly live in shallow sea in limited amount. On the contrary, there are rich fish remains. At the time, people mostly caught medium and large vivacious fish, especially dolphinfish, and followed by Shortfin Mako, Sailfish, Sword Fish, and whales.

While bone Yukazi, fishhook and iron spear were unearthed at the site, cast net was rare. This shows that, at the time, the main fishing methods could be rope fishing and shooting.

Lithic Technology
Hanben Archaeological Site locates at the ancient stratum with high degree of metamorphism. There are highly metamorphic rock and various stones everywhere. Ancient people of Hanben preferred gneiss, Crystalline Limestone, different types of metamorphic igneous rock and slate when making tools or using them.
Although people at the time have used metal ware, some tools were made of stone, such as adze and drill for woodworking and cutting and pounding tools for hard objects.

Bone, Antler, Tooth and Shell Technologies
Animals in the sea and on the land were served as food. In addition, animals’ hard tissues, according to the special materials and forms, were processed into tools or ornaments.

Shell Artifacts:The shellfish have hard case and glossy cores. They tended to be processed into ornaments. On Hanben Archaeological Site, there are mostly shell rings and ornament shell pieces made of giant clam, conidae, etc.
Bone and Antler Artifacts:Besides Yukazi and fishhook for fishing, some beast bones with special forms were slightly processed to form handy tools. For instance, the near-end of the ulna of Artiodactyla can easily be held with a slot and the thinner far-end tended to be processed into a pointed tool. In addition, healed metatarsal of Artiodactyla and antlers were mostly processed into chisels or handles.
Tooth Ornaments:Shells and teeth tended to be made as ornaments because of the attractive brilliance and glossy enamel. The ornaments made of teeth were mostly from the beasts’ canine teeth or sharp teeth of predator fish such as sharks. They symbolized bravery.

Raw Materials
Metal minerals in Taiwan are few. Gold is mainly distributed in the volcanic area of Keelung and the slate belt of Central Mountain Range. In the former, Chinkuahshih Mining District is the most well-known and the latter was mentioned in the Dutch literatures in the 17th century. In addition, gold in Danau at the mouth of Liwu River in the south of Suhua coast was dug out. In addition, rocks of the northern coast volcano and Tananao schists belt mostly contain Magnetite. After erosion and weathering, base rocks from these two areas were brought to the mouth of river and seashore by rivers. Being filtered by tidewater, it resulted in placer deposit. The previous two kinds of minerals can be found in Blihun Hanben. Copper mine in Taiwan exists in the form of chemical compound and require refinement. Besides, in Taiwan, other minerals to make copper alloy are few. However, metal can be reproduced after being melted in high temperature. Thus, existed bronze ware is part of the raw materials. Copper coins unearthed from the site can be part of the raw materials to make bronze ware. As to glass, glassware can be reproduced after melting.

Fabrication of metal ware includes the processes of material refinement and shaping.

Smelting:Except for gold which exists in natural state due to low activity, other metal minerals are in the state of chemical compound. The elements should be reduced after refinement. Iron materials mostly rely on block refinement. Oxidated pellets (magnetite and Fe3O4) are heated by charcoal to six or seven hundred degrees. Carbon monoxide caused by uncomplete burn and iron oxides result in reduction. Iron minerals release oxygen which combines with carbon monoxide and becomes carbon dioxide with the remains of sponge iron plate.
Forging and Casting:Most metals are highly extendable. Thus, they can be shaped in solid state by beating. Gold foil and ironware unearthed on the site were mostly made by beating and pressing called forging. Among others, ironware should be heated to reinforce its extendibility. Thus, it should be heated by forge. Furthermore, metals can be heated to the melting point to become the liquid state. They are then poured in the molds. It is forging. Sand rocks unearthed on the site are the evidence of forging.

Gold Artifacts:Gold is extendable and glossy. Thus, it is made to be flat and slice ornaments of different forms. The patterns were created by the carved molds.
Bronze Artifacts:They were mostly made by casting, such as bronze knife handle, various kinds of bronze bells, etc.
Iron Artifacts:Ironware mostly serves as blade tools or weapons, including slice knife, sword, spear, arrowhead, etc. The end of big arrow or hollow axe can be connected with bone and wooden handles. There are also pointed hooks and nails.
Glass Artifacts:They mainly served as ornaments, including bracelets, earrings, passementerie, etc.


Spiritual Culture    

Burial Customs
Burial Place

Hanben ancestors mostly buried the dead in the houses and the front yards. They believed that the dead’s soul still existed in their bodies. They were still considered as part of the families and hence, should be buried in the family areas.
Burial Chambers and Coffins

Premature infants were mostly not buried with burial accessories. The rest were placed in the burial rooms assembled by slates. These burial rooms were in a row in the houses or in the front yards. The rooms could be used repeatedly. In the burying of the latter bodies, the early ones would be moved aside to make room.
Burial Postures
Most of the dead were buried with bodies turned aside and limbs folded.This pose resembles peaceful infants in the mothers’ wombs and might symbolize the rebirth of the dead.
Grave Goods
The dead might wear various ornaments. The pottery pots with food or the tools they used when they were alive might be placed besides their bodies.

Figurative Arts
In Taiwan, in the middle Neolithic Age around 3500 years ago, there were some objects with figurative motifs. The most well-known one was human and beast shape jade pendant. In addition, there were beast shape and beast head pottery handle and side-by-side human-shape jade ornament, etc. About 1800 years ago, the Metal Age, the appearance of figurative topics was unearthed more and more frequent. Moreover, the motifs were more diverse and complicated. The most common ones were the motifs associated with humans. In early times, the motifs did not show the facial features most of the time. However, from Metal Age, eyes, ears, noses and mouths among human-face motifs were presented. In addition, as for the animals, there were new subjects such as snakes.
Human Face Motifs
Specific facial features were significantly shown in Metal Age. On bronze knife handle, bone knife handle and pottery of Hanben Archaeological Site, specific human-face patterns are observed.
Rows of Humans Motifs
In Neolithic Age, on Zhi Shan Yang site, there was this motif. On knife handle stone from Hanben Archaeological Site, there is the side-by-side human-head motif.
Serpent Motifs
On Grinding stick of Hanben Archaeological Site, the pattern of snake was shown. A similar motif was discovered on San Ho remains of eastern coast, such as Jiu Xiang Lan.
Beast silhouettes and Figurines
They can be traced back to Neolithic Age. On Hanben Archaeological Site, slate beast silhouette and three-dimensional animal pottery figures were discovered.

Body Ornaments
At the time, nephrite which was commonly used to make ornaments in Neolithic Age was replaced by glass and metal, including glass bracelet, earring, passementerie, gold foil, copper bell, etc. In addition, shell ornaments, ornaments made by teeth and bone ornaments were used continuously. Furthermore, on Hanben Archaeological Site, local white marble was frequently processed into ornaments. Besides, there were ornaments made of slate on the island and chalcedony out of the island.
Unearthed ornaments of Hanben Archaeological Site were made of different materials and in various styles, including shell bracelets, glass rings, slates and marble rings on the arms and glass ornaments as earrings. The materials of passementerie are various, including glass beads, marble beads, chalcedony beads, jade tube beads, copper bells, marble discs, shell beads, shell foil, etc. According to the unearthed discovery of tombs, some could have been sewed on the clothing.










Archaeological excavation

Archaeological field research
There are numerous measures for archaeologists to search for archaeological sites and the most common one is a field study. By the relics collected on the ground, they could distinguish the archaeological sites. Sometimes they recognized the possible locations of archaeological sites by maps or the information collected from local people. With the progress of technology, the archaeologists began using drilling, Ground-Penetrating Radar, infrared photography and satellite images to search for the treasures buried underground.

Archaeological excavation and work process
Archaeological work does not simply mean to discover the relics and historical remains. The archaeologists first observe the environments of the sites. After collecting basic information, they excavate the ground downward by layers and precisely record the locations of relics and historical remains and their space and time relation in order to further probe into the culture and value of the archaeological site.

Archaeological work process:
1.Investigation: They collect the specimen on the ground, explore the environment, read the literature, develop a plan of excavation and apply for the permission of excavation.
2.Measurement: they draw squares on the ground in all directions as the coordinates of excavation and relics.
3.Excavation: they excavate the ground downward by layers. The length of each layer is 10 centimeters. They carefully record and take pictures of each layer and collect the relics of different layers.
4.Recording: recording of investigation and excavation process, including time, space, content and method.

Primary reorganization
They first clean, classify and encode relics specimen then record their basic information and take photos of them. According to the information, they infer the meanings.

Reorganization of data and analytical research
After archaeological field research, based on relics and recording, they conduct indoor data reorganization and analytical research. First, they classify relics specimen and clarify the complicated information.Secondly, according to the data, they infer and explain the information. For instance, what are the relics? When and where were they from? Who were the related people? How were they made and used? Finally, they speculate about the lives of prehistoric humans. Why did the lifestyle develop? Why did the culture change or disappear?

Source:the National Center for Research and Preservation of Cultural Properties (Taiwan)


結 語




Thousands of years ago, in the coastal cave of eastern Taiwan, people of Changbin Culture made a living by hunting and gathering. Neolithic Age began after the warm climate in late Ice Age. In northern Taiwan, people of Dapenkeng Culture used pottery and polished stone implements. In mid-Neolithic Age, people learned to plant grains such as rice and millet. Trading networks and religious art were gradually established. At about 1800 years ago, Taiwan was in the Metal Age by making and using ironware, bronze wares and gold vessels. The frequent external trading prompted the development of diverse cultures.

People who were good at sailing and had the character of businessmen lived on Blihun Hanben archaeological site of prehistoric time. By trading in different places, they created the prosperity and rich culture of about one thousand years. Archaeological sites are the intersection of time and space and show the cultural evolution from prehistoric to historic periods in Taiwan. We should approach the history of Taiwan from a broad perspective and cherish the important underground assets of human beings.